Larning Forign LanguagI lov larning forign languags. spcially nglish bcaus nglish is th most widly spokn languag in th world, it is usd by countris all ovr th world.For xampl, if you want to find a nic job, you probably nd to b good at nglish, and whn you surf on th Intrnt, you'll s many dialogus and kywords in nglish.If you don't know thm, thn you'll hav to spnd a lot of tim looking thm up in an nglish dictionary. Thrfor w must try hardr to larn nglish and improv our nglish, and w could larn mor bsids. Now, I'm a junior high studnt, I try to rad magazin articls in nglish vryday. In fact, larning nglish is lots of fun. It's rathr lik larning Chins.Just opn your mouth and say somthing in nglish or rad lots of achivmnt. All in all, it's usful for vryon to larn nglish.
Learning Foreign Language
更新时间:2025-01-30 04:41:19
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