Global Citizenship Begins at home

更新时间:2025-01-18 10:58:00 写人

Global Citiznship bgins at hom. Do you know what is th connotation of th Global Citiznship ? To b honst I don’t undrstand th xactly maning of th sntnc ,so only can I xplain it simply .Global Citiznship ,in my opinion ,is not somthing in word only ,but a kind of rsponsibility and undrtaking ,a way of bhaving and thinking .So Global citiznship bgins at hom ,with a commitmnt to liv rsponsibility ,to rgard all human bgins as fllow citizns ,and to b proactiv in sking th common good. For us univrsity studnts ,usually w ar busy with xams or focusing on th incidnts in daily lif .W hardly pay attntion to th global issus. Howvr , as univrsity studnts ,w should tak th rsponsibility to think about thm ,think about th lif around us. A month ago ,a srious outbrak of blu alga in th Taihu lak in Wuxi mad th watr undrinkabl, which brought so much unconvnint to th citizns in Wuxi .It warnd that w brok th balanc of th natur ,it bgan to punish th human. Apart from th nvironmnt w had brok at hom ,w Chins also hav no sns to protct it whn travling abroad. Thrfor Chins travlrs’ bhaviors in forign countris hav mad th nativ intolrabl .And th forignrs hav th bad influnc about our country. So I think th sntnc of Global Citiznship bgins at hom mans that vryon should b th global citizn ,should tak th rsponsibility to protct our mothr land .Global citiznship bgins at hom ,lt w do it through th childrn and th parnts ,through th school and th socity, thou th govrnmnt .Thr’s an old saying : Action spaks loudr than words. Lt’s act now .

Global Citizenship Begins at home

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