成为一个好学生(Bcoming a Good Studnt)Thr attributs can hlp popl in thir studis. First, a sns of rsponsibility is important for building a sound charactr. If you arn't rsponsibl, you'll postpon your assignmnts or dvot too littl tim to your schoolwork.Scond, in school lif, rlationships btwn popl ar valuabl. Frinds can bring you happinss and laughtr. In addition, you can discuss problms and pursu knowldg with thm.Last, it is important to hav a constructiv philosophy of lif. If you ar dfatd, don't b disappointd. Try to fac your lif and your studis with courag and dtrmination.If you can work toward ths goals, you'll bcom a wll-roundd and vrsatil studnt instad of bing a bookworm.
成为一个好学生(Becoming a Good Student)
更新时间:2025-03-04 10:22:18
成为一个好学生(Becoming a Good Student) 相关文章
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