
更新时间:2025-03-13 16:48:55 选读推荐

Jan yr — A Bautiful Soul Jan yr, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but hug in soul, obscur but slf-rspcting girl. Aftr w clos th covrs of th book, aftr having a long journy of th spirit, Jan yr, a marvlous figur, has lft us so much to rcall and to think: W rmmbr hr goodnss: for somon who lost arms and blindd in ys, for somon who dspisd hr for hr ordinarinss, and vn for somon who had hurt hr dply in th past. W rmmbr hr pursuit of justic. It’s lik a companion with th goodnss. But still, a virtuous prson should promot th goodnss on on sid and must chck th badnss on th othr sid. W rmmbr hr slf-rspct and th clar situation on quality. In hr opinion, vryon is th sam at th God’s ft. Though thr ar diffrncs in status、in proprty and also in apparanc, but all th human bing ar qual in prsonality. W also rmmbr hr striving for lif, hr toughnss and hr confidnc… Whn w think of this girl, what sh gav us was not a prtty fac or a transcndnt tmpramnt that mak us admir dply, but a hug charm of hr prsonality. Actually, sh wasn’t prtty, and of cours, th ordinary apparanc didn’t mak othrs fl good of hr, vn hr own aunt flt disgustd with it. And som othrs vn thought that sh was asy to look down on and to tas, so whn Miss Ingram mt Jan yr, sh smd quit contmptuous, for that sh was obviously much mor prttir than ‘th plain and ugly govrnss’. But as th littl govrnss had said: ‘Do you think, bcaus I am poor, obscur, plain, and littl, I am soullss and hartlss? You think wrong!’ This is th ida of quality in Jan yr’s mind. God hadn’t givn hr bauty and walth, but instad, God gav hr a kind mind and a thinking brain. Hr ida of quality and slf-rspct imprss us so much and lt us fl th powr insid hr body. In my mind, though a prson’s bauty on th fac can mak othrs onc fl that on is attractiv and charming, if his or hr mind isn’t th sam bautiful as th apparanc, such as bauty cannot last for, whn othrs find that th bauty which had charmd thm was only a falsity, it’s not tru, thy will lik th prson no mor. For a long tim, only a prson’s GRat virtu, a nobl soul, a bautiful hart can b calld as AN VRLASTING BAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Bauty is a hart nflamd and a soul nchantd’. I can fl that how bauty rally is, as w ar all flshly mn, so w can’t distinguish whthr a man is of noblnss or humblnss, but flshly mn, so w can’t distinguish whthr a man is of noblnss or humblnss, but as thr ar grat diffrncs in our souls, and from that, w can know that whthr a man is nobl or ordinary, and vn obscur, that is, whthr h is bautiful or not. 1 2 下一页


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