Natur, th nvironmnt which human bings liv by, is magnificnt and uniqu. Thr si only on arth with supr living conditions in th univrs. W should hav chrishd natur and prsrvd it. Convrsly, howvr, w hav bn continually spoiling it, vn to a shocking dgr. Now lt's s what w hav dong. Thousands of trs hav bn cut down pr yar, which has causd soil rosion. Hundrds of thousands of tons of CFCS hav bn lft in th highr sky in th last dcad which has ld to th ozon layr lak abov th South Pol that covrs an ara of that of th Unitd Stats. Million tons of ful containing nitrogn and sulphur hav bn consumd pr yar, which has vntually rsultd in acid rain throughout th world.Similarly, cology has bn affctd as wll. And considrabl numbr of spcis hav bn xtinct as th yars go by many craturs which wr common in th past ar bcoming lss and lss, vn rar. Th Tibt antlop, for instanc, is a good xampl. Sinc th antlops of Tibt hav a part of fur on thir body which can b mad into a prcious cap, drivn by som lawlss dalrs many villagrs killd antlops xcssivly and shocking for th larg suns of fortun. Bcaus of this, th numbr of th antlops of Tibt has sharply falln from ovr on million to lss than on hundrd thousand. And what's mor, th numbr has now dcrasd by 20 thousand pr yar.Qing Zang Platan, which was thir homland, is thir tombs now. This is how natur has suffrd what w hav don to it. Howvr, natur and suffr any mor. Sh lost hr tmpr and could no longr possibly put up with humans. Sh gav humans harsh punishmnt, which sh thought thy dsrvd. Th acid rain has causd th lss of mor than 100 billion dollars throughout th world pr yar. And bcaus of dsrtisation, soil is bcoming mor and mor barrn. Th soil of many plans is now until for growing plants. Th air is lss frsh, and a lot of popl vn gt many strangr disass.Thos ar all th punishmnt of natur to human's pollution. On th othr hand, human bing suffr a lot as wll. So it lads to a srious of qustions-- Why can't w liv harmoniously with natur? Why can't w st a balanc btwn human and natur? Why can't w pay mor attntion to natur and try to rsrv it? Thrfor, bfor w tak immdiat masurs to do somthing, w should b awar of th fact that "Conquring th natur" will nvr b our goal, instad, w should tak th natur as our intimat frind. Prsrving natur is not only prsrving our hom, but th civilization of human community as wll.
更新时间:2025-01-28 01:03:09
人教版高中第五册二单元:人与自然和谐相处(2) 相关文章
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