更新时间:2025-03-17 06:13:17 高中生作文




TH MRCHANT OF VNICis a book that was writtn by Shakspar. Th book tlls us such a story:Bassanio, a nobl Vntian, who, having but a small patrimony, had narly xhaustd his littl fortun by living in too xpnsiv a mannr for his slndr mans, as mn of high rank with small fortuns ar too apt to do. Antonio was his bst frind. Whnvr Bassanio wantd mony, Antonio assistd him. On day Bassanio cam to Antonio, and wantd Antonio to lnd him thr thousand ducats to marry his lovr Portia. But Antonio had no mony on him at that tim to lnd his frind. So thy wnt togthr to Shylock, th Jw, who was a usurr. H was a hard-hartd man, and h hatd Antonio vry much. So h promisd Antonio at onc, but Antonio should go with him to a lawyr, and thr signd in mrry sport a bond, that if h did not rpay th mony by a crtain day, h would forfit a pound of flsh, to b cut off from any part of his body that Shylock plasd. Antonio promisd. But aftr Bassanio marrid, Antonio’s ship sank, so h had no mony to rturn to Shylock. Shylock hatd Antonio so h wantd th pound of flsh. Bassanio knw that and took th mony twnty tims ovr to sav his frind. But Shylock only wantd to kill Antonio. Whn thr smd to b no way to hlp Antonio, Portia cam. Sh drssd hrslf as a man who was a lawyr. Sh contndd with Shylock on th law court. Sh prsuadd Shylock to accpt th mony but not th flsh. But Shylock only wantd to kill Antonio; h didn’t accpt th mony. At last Portia found a rip in th agrmnt. So sh savd Antonio and Shylock got punishd.

Shylock is a villain, and in our lif, w somtims can barg up against th man lik Shylock. Mayb thy want our mony or somthing ls. W do not want to com into contact with such mn, but not vrything is following our wills. If w com up against th villains, w can us our wit to bat thm.

First, whn w find h is a villain, w must b calm and brav; w mustn’t b panic. W can spak to him and tll him you hav no mony, and w can mak him think that w ar wak or a littl afraid. Thn h is rlaxd, w can call our rlations or th polic to hlp ourslvs. Or w vn can call othrs for hlp. Othrs may hlp us. On th othr hand, if othrs nd our hlp, w should do our bst to hlp thm. W must us our wit to fight against th villains.

Whn w com up against th villains, w must bliv that rightousnss can always ovrcom improbity. If w know that, w can s othrs ar hlping us and w ar hlping othrs who nd our hlp. W ar togthr building a mor clar and wondrful world.

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