场景描写:在海里游泳-Swimming in the Sea

更新时间:2025-03-14 16:07:43 高中生作文


场景描写:在海里游泳-Swimming in the Sea




Swimming in th Sa

It was in hot summr that I took a trip to Qingdao, a port city in Shandong Provinc, On aftrnoon, I dcidd to go to th sasid to gt rlif ① from th hat. For th first tim in my lif, I swam in th sa.

At first, I was worridbcaus though I was not a bad swimmr in th swimming pool, th sa was diffrnt. Th wavs coming on aftr anothr to th shor mad a grat nois and I thought thy wr going to swallow m up. I was trrifid. Cautiously ② and slowly, I wnt clos to th watr. How cold it was! I was just about to giv it up whn I suddnly caught sight of a small boy who was about a had shortr than m. Wak as h smd, h wnt straight into th sa without hsitation. I flt a littl ashamd.“What a timid ③ girl I am!”I said to myslf.

ncouragd by his bravry ④, I continud advancing. Soon all of my body was covrd by watr. Bfor I got rady for a div, a wav cam ovr. It struck my fac havily and th watr wnt into my ys, nos and mouth. How bittr and salty it tastd! But I was not discouragd at all. I wipd off th watr on my fac, took a dp brath, and bgan swimming happily.

Th wavs bcam largr and largr, as if th sa was angry with m. Whn I saw a wav in th distanc, I would hold my brath, and just bfor it cam to whr I was, I jumpd up and asily kpt myslf from it. How xciting! I was just lik lying on th clouds!

All that aftrnoon, I swam and jumpd and had a vry good tim. Whn finally I had to lav, I took a last look at th sa. Th wavs wr still bating th shor, but I was no longr frightnd. “I must thank that littl boy,”I said to myslf.“It was h who gav m th courag.”


①rlif [ri'li:f] n. 减轻;解除

②cautiously ['k&:M+sli] ad. 谨慎地;细心地

③timid ['timid] a. 胆怯的;缺乏自信心的

④bravry ['briv+ri] n. 勇敢;大胆



2)作者在文中使用了拟人和明喻两种修辞格:前者如“…swallow m up….”和“…as if th sa was angry with m….”,后者如“It was just lik lying on th clouds.”。此外,有些句型如“… b just about to do…whn….”,“Wak as h smd….”用得很好,值得借鉴。

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