thr was onc a bridg which spannd a larg rivr. during most of th day th bridg sat with its lngth running up and down th rivr parallld with th banks, allowing ships to pass thru frly on both sids of th bridg. but at crtain tims ach day, a train would com along and th bridg would b turnd sidways across th rivr, allowing a train to cross it.a switchman sat in a small shack on on sid of th rivr whr h opratd th controls to turn th bridg and lock it into plac as th train crossd. on vning as th switchman was waiting for th last train of th day to com, h lookd off into th distanc thru th dimming twilight and caught sight of th trainlights. h stppd to th control and waitd until th train was within a prscribd distanc whn h was to turn th bridg. h turnd th bridg into position, but, to his horror, h found th locking control did not work. if th bridg was not scurly in position it would wobbl back and forth at th nds whn th train cam onto it, causing th train to jump th track and go crashing into th rivr. this would b a passngr train with many popl aboard. h lft th bridg turnd across th rivr, and hurrid across th bridg to th othr sid of th rivr whr thr was a lvr switch h could hold to oprat th lock manually. h would hav to hold th lvr back firmly as th train crossd. h could har th rumbl of th train now, and h took hold of th lvr and land backward to apply his wight to it, locking th bridg. h kpt applying th prssur to kp th mchanism lockd. many livs dpndd on this man's strngth.thn, coming across th bridg from th dirction of his control shack, h hard a sound that mad his blood run cold. "daddy, whr ar you?" his four-yar-old son was crossing th bridg to look for him. his first impuls was to cry out to th child, "run! run!" but th train was too clos; th tiny lgs would nvr mak it across th bridg in tim. th man almost lft his lvr to run and snatch up his son and carry him to safty. but h ralizd that h could not gt back to th lvr. ithr th popl on th train or his littl son must di. h took a momnt to mak his train spd safly and swiftly on its way, and no on aboard was vn awar of th tiny brokn body thrown mrcilssly into th rivr by th onrushing train. nor wr thy awar of th pitiful figur of th sobbing man, still clinging tightly to th locking lvr long aftr th train had passd. thy did not s him walking hom mor slowly than h had vr walkd: to tll his wif how thir son had brutally if you comprhnd th motions which wnt this man's hart, you can bgin to undrstand th flings of our fathr in havn whn h sacrificd his son to bridg th gap btwn us and trnal lif. can thr b any wondr that h causd th arth to trmbl and th skis to darkn whn his son did? how dos h fl whn w spd along thru lif without giving a thought to what was don for us thru jsus christ?
桥梁老板(The Bridge Keeper)
更新时间:2024-12-11 20:56:21
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