手机的利弊(Th pros and cons of mobil phons)cll phons hav bcom incrasingly popular in china ths days. whrvr you go you can s popl using cll phons. many collg studnts, vn high school studnts, hav cll phons.cll phons hav brought popl a lot of bnfits, but th most important is that thy ar convnint. with cll phons in thir hands, thy can kp in touch with anybody thy want. if thy want to gt som information from th intrnt, thy can asily hav thir dram ralizd via cll phons too. furthrmor, if somon has a hart attack or a traffic accidnt, a call to mrgncy hospital or to th polic can quickly bring him th hlp h wants.howvr, cll phons can also bring popl problms. th most srious is th lctric wav radiation which is thought to b harmful to usrs' brains. anothr problm is that whn popl ar having a mting or having a class or at a concrt tc, th ring of th cll phon may intrrupt othrs. so i think popl should us cllphons as littl as possibl and turn thm off whn thy ar attnding important mtings or attnding classs.
手机的利弊(The pros and cons of mobile phones)
更新时间:2025-03-15 17:53:12
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