A Wilderness Survival Program

更新时间:2025-01-24 17:39:59 写人

Saturday May 4, 2002 Cloudy Li Ming and I took part in a wildrnss survival program ystrday,which has bcom an unforgttabl xprinc. Ystrday morning w wor strong and comfortabl shos, carrid backpacks with th ncssitis in thm and wnt to th mountain. W climbd a hill. On th top w saw a dirction mark, which told us whr to go. Down th hill, w cam to a rivr. Thr wr no boats but w had to cross it. Luckily, both of us had larnd how to swim. But w shouldnt mak our things in th backpacks wt. Sing a pic of board, I got an ida. W put our backpacks on th board and swam in th watr pushing th board. Whn gtting to th othr bank, with th compass w found north in which dirction w walkd half an hour. Finally, w arrivd at th campsit. W st up a tnt and mad a bonfir. Th two of us spnt th night in th forst. W larnd to us knowldg gaind in classroom training to solv problms. It was quit an xprinc for both of us, which Ill nvr forgt for th rst of my lif.

A Wilderness Survival Program

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