缩写:一封奇怪的“信”-A Strange “Letter”

更新时间:2025-03-22 20:54:08 高中生作文


缩写:一封奇怪的“信”-A Strange “Letter”



A Strang “Lttr”

My nighbour's childrn lov playing hid-and-sk (捉迷藏) as all childrn do, but no on xpctd that a gam thy playd last wk would b rportd in th local nwspapr (地方报纸)。

On aftrnoon, thy wr playing in th strt just outsid th postoffic. Young Lan, who is only fiv yars old, found th prfct plac to hid. His sistr, Jant, had shut hr ys and was counting up to tn whn Lan noticd that th small mtal (金属的) door of th lttr-box had bn lft opn. Th postman had just takn all th lttrs out and had gon into th post-offic to s if thr wr any parcls (包裹).Lan climbd into th lttr-box and pulld th door from th insid so hard that it lockd. Soon ralizing what h had don, h bcam vry frightnd and startd crying. Manwhil, Jant was looking for him vrywhr but could not find him. It was lucky (幸运的) sh happnd to stop outsid th lttr-box and har hr brothr's cris. Sh immdiatly ran to tll th postman who hurrid out to unlock (开锁) th mtal door. Lan was now fr, but h had had such a bad fright (惊吓) that h could not stop crying. Th postman, howvr, soon found a way of making him laugh again. H told him that nxt tim h wantd to hid in a lttr-box, h should rmmbr to stick a stamp on himslf!


1.What wr my nighbour's childrn playing outsid th post-offic on aftrnoon?

2.Had th lttr-box bn lft opn or not? Whr did young Lan climb? Did h lock himslf in or not? (Finding that) (and)

3.Whn did his sistr, Jant, raliz whr h was hiding? What did sh do? (so)

4.How did th postman mak Lan stop crying aftr h had lt him out?(Aftr ltting…by tlling)


A Strang Lttr

On aftrnoon my mighbour's childrn wr playing hid-and-sk outsid th post-offic. Finding that th lttr-box had bn lft opn, young Lan climbd into it and lockd himslf in. His sistr, Jant, ralizd whr h was hiding whn sh hard his cris so sh ran to tll th postman. Aftr ltting him out, th postman mad Lan stop crying by tlling him that nxt tim h wantd to hid in a lttr-box h should rmmbr to stick a stamp on himslf. (80 words)


原文问题后的括号内容要求缩写的文章中有一个“Finding that”开头的现在分词短语结构和两个“Aftr ltting… by tlling”的介词+动名词的短语结构。在写这两种结构的句子时要注意结构中的逻辑主语要与主句的主语一致,否则就会造成修辞上的错句悬垂修饰语,如把“Aftr ltting”结构写成“Aftr ltting him out, Lan was mad to stop crying…”,前半部分就是悬垂修饰语,因为ltting的主语不是Lan,而是postman。

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