初中英语 假设你在新的学校、请给父母写一封信、告诉他们你的情况、在新学校里、生活很愉快、但也很紧张、新的同学老师对你十分友好、但是在课堂上、老师一直讲英文、你开始听不懂、但课后老师和同学时不时的帮助你、你也尽量和他们用英文交谈、有问题及时请教、学了不少好方法、英语水平也有了很大的提高。来源:作文网
Dear Ma and Dad,
I have been here for a week.Everything here is new for me.Now I'm telling you something about me.I have a good time every day.but I'm a little nervous.New teather and classmates are friendly to me,however,my teather keep speaking English. And I can't undstand at the first time. The teather and the classmates often help me with English after school.I also talk with them in English. When I have problems,I ask them in time .Now I have had lots of good ways . I'm improving my English.Don't worry about me , please.
Yours loving son