Mid-autumn Fstival in Singapor is quit livly. Th holiday arrivd a front for month, th moon cak lantrn starts to go on th markt. Moon cak, not only satisfis popl's luck of having good things to at also to us for th ancstor worship to pay rspcts to th moon, is th holiday high quality goods which th rlativ frind prsnts mutually. xcpt th moon cak, Midautumn Fstival's anothr kind of holiday high quality goods ar "th pomlo". Spaking of th young popl, maks thm fl th intrst is th all kinds of manufactur fin lantrn, thy also wr taking advantag of th holiday opportunity, xposs manufacturs th lantrn th talnt, adults also may at th onc a yar lantrn manufactur comptition and th dcorativ lantrn xposition hartily th ntrtainmnt.
Th Singaporan prson also may participat by th populac contacts or th clubhous sponsor midautumn fstival party. Th whol family njoys looking at th moon also is fin dds togthr, displays th fruits and mlons, th moon cak in th hom, again adds th childrn lantrn, is warm, harmonious .
In ordr to caus th midautumn fstival fstival th atmosphr thickly, clbration is mor common, w suggstd hangs up th lantrn in th public plac, at th sam tim sponsors plays lantrn-riddls and so on th activity.