
更新时间:2025-03-14 14:34:33 高中生作文



Whn w want to communicat with our rlativs or frinds, what will w do, to mak a call or writ a lttr? Now lt’s compar th advantags of a call and of a lttr.

Gnrally spaking, most of us would prfr to mak a call nowadays. Firstly, it is fast so making a call can sav us tim. Non of us wants to wast tim in this comptitiv socity. Thn th tlphon functions wll in this aspct. In addition, making a call brings us convninc bcaus w can do so whrvr and whnvr w lik. Also, w can communicat with popl in th casual way of chatting on th phon, which sms to b frindlir. With th dvlopmnt of hi-tch, man has ralizd th dram of talking fac to fac on th visual phon, thus bringing popl togthr and rducing th homsicknss of many popl far away.

Howvr, writing a lttr for grtings has its own spcial advantags. As w all know, it is much chapr than making a call. Not only can writing a lttr sav us mony but also it shows mor rspct and sincrity to othrs. For instanc, whn you want to invit somon to your party or to dinnr with you, you’d bttr snd him an invitation lttr, which is mor formal than just making a call. Tims ar constantly changing, and yt writing a lttr is still as good a way as making a call.

Of cours which on arth should b th mor propr way dpnds on th individual prsonal purpos.

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