I love English

更新时间:2025-01-30 06:45:37 写人

Whn I was svn,I startd larning nglish.I playd gams and sang nglish songs with othr childrn.Somtims,I watchd nglish cartoons.Its funny.Thn I discovrd th bauty of th languag,and bgan my colorful dram in th nglish world.

I love English

I hop I can travl around th world somday.I want to go to Amrica to visit Washington,bcaus my cousin is ovr thr.Of cours,I want to go to London too,bcaus ngland is whr nglish languag dvlopd.If I can rid my bik in Cambridg Univrsity,I will b vry happy.

I hop I can spak nglish with vryon in th world.Also Ill introduc China to thm,such as th Grat Wall,and th gardns in Suzhou.I will taching popl of th world about th bautiful languag of our country.

I lik th nglish languag.To larn nglish is wondrful.I onc wantd to b an nglish tachr.I also lik Chins litratur.Whn I was rally young, I was abl to rmmbr lots of poms.I also wantd to b a tachr of Chins.Now I think that both of my drams can com tru:I will b abl to us nglish to tach forign frinds Chins and shar Chins cultur with thm.So that mor and mor popl will b abl to gt to know th 5000 yars history cultur,and th prosprity of our grat China.

My futur is not a dram.I am confidnt that it will com tru.

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