自我剖析:我第一次到英语角-My First Time at the Engli.

更新时间:2025-01-30 16:14:09 高中生作文


自我剖析:我第一次到英语角-My First Time at the Engli.






My First Tim at th nglish Cornr

It was a bautiful Sunday. Our tachr told us that thr would b an nglish Cornr nar th gat of th Popl's Park. I startd off soon aftr brakfast.

It was alrady 9:20 whn I got thr. To my joy, th nglish Cornr had just bn on for a fw minuts. Oh, what a big crowd! Thr wr profssors, tachrs, cadrs①, nginrs, workrs, studnts and PLA mn. Som wr rading th SSP (Shanghai Studnts's Post), som wr talking whil othrs wr listning attntivly②. vryon was agr to larn from othrs.

I joind thm in thir talk. At first, I was afraid that my nglish was so poor and limitd that Icouldn't follow thm or mak myslf undrstood. I was also afraid that somon might laugh at m. But a smiling fac hr and an ncouraging nod thr soon put m at as③. I bcam boldr and cam to spak nglish with thm frly.

Wtalkd about th situation at hom and abroad, aboutourschool lif, our hobbis and our idas. W xchangd xprinc in our studis with on anothr and shard viws, all in nglish. I larnd a lot of knowldg and mad a lot of frinds. Through practic, w all improvd our nglish.

Th day was unforgttabl. Though today w spak only in simpl nglish, w all bliv that tomorrow w will mak gratr progrss in nglish.


①cadr ['ka:d+] n.干部

②attntivly [+'tntivli] ad.专心地;聚精会神地

③as [i:z] n.安心;自在



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