The Value of Time

更新时间:2025-03-15 20:44:57 写人

Nobody knows what tim is lik, for w cannot s it, nor can w touch it. Tim is abstract, which w can only imagin in our mind. But w do know that tim passs vry quickly. Som studnts, howvr, do not know th valu of tim, nor do thy know how to mak th bst us of it, for thy wast it in going to films, playing gams and doing othr uslss things.Why do w go to school arly in th morning? Why do trains run so fast? Why do most popl prfr taking buss instad of walking? Th answr is vry simpl: w wish to sav tim bcaus tim is prcious. Today w ar living in th twntith cntury. W know that tim is lif. Whn a prson dis, his tim has ndd.Sinc lif is short, w must dvot our tim and nrgy to our studis so that w may b abl to srv our country and th popl. But sinc tim is invisibl, w oftn nglct it. Lazinss. is th thif of tim, for lasinss not only brings us a lot of harm, it also brings us failur. If it is ncssary for us to do som work today, lt us do it today and not lav it until tomorrow. Rmmbr that tim is mor valuabl than mony.

The Value of Time

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