中国的假期旅游(Travls on Holidaysin China)nowadays, mor and mor popl lik to travl in thir holidays. th othr day i rad a rport about th ways popl spnd thir holidays. it is rportd that in rcnt yiars svral nw holiday habits hav bn dvlopd. among thm, th most intrsting on is th growth of th so-calld holiday camps.from th rport w can s that in 1990,40 prcnt of popl stayd at hom for holidays. but now th proportion has rducd to 9 prcnt. mor popl go out for fun. th proportion of camping and travling abroad was incrasing stadily, from 10 prcnt in 1990 to 38 prcnt in 2002, and 12 prcnt in 1990 to 26 prcnt in 2002 rspctivly. popl njoy th frsh air, clan watr and grn hills whn thy go camping in th suburbs. in 1990,38 prcnt popl njoyd going to th sasid whil in 2002 only 27 prcnt prfr to go thr. what grat changs!why did thos changs appar? i think thr ar svral rasons. first, it' s bcaus popl can afford travling. scond, popl prfr to pursu a high-quality and colorful lif. third, thir attituds to rlaxation hav changd. lss popl want to sav much mony by lading a simpl lif. in short, popl's living standard today has bn rising gratly.
中国的假期旅游(Travels on Holidaysin China)
更新时间:2025-03-17 10:33:53
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