时令描写:夏日的农村-The Countryside in Summer

更新时间:2025-03-17 21:07:13 高中生作文


时令描写:夏日的农村-The Countryside in Summer








Th Countrysid in Summr

Summr has com, with its warm sunny days, making us thing of all sorts of nic things, such as holidays in th country, picnics and haymaking①partis.

Whn Spring cam, shfound th arth cold andbar, but shsoon changd all that, and by th tim Summr arrivs, th world is a vry diffrnt plac. It is a grn world now, grn lavs on th trs, grn grass in th filds, grnplants crowding in th hdgs②, and flowrs opning vrywhr.

Th days ar long and th nights ar short, for th sun gts up arly and gos to bd lat in sunny Jun. It is on of th bst and brightst months in th yar. Birds sing from sunris till long aftr sunst.

As night falls, on aftr anothr th birds stop thir singing, and aftr a fw last slpy sounds, put thir hads undr thir wings to rst for an hour or two bfor bginning again. Thy do not all slp, howvr. Whn othr birds ar silnt, coms a soft cry, thn, aftr a fw momnts, anothr, loudr this tim; and soon th nightingal③ pouring out his wondrful song.

Not only at night dos th nightingal sing. On almost vry warm day in arly Jun, th littl brown bird sings away in th roads and woods, but, as all th othr birds ar also singing at th sam tim, w do not notic his voic so much. It is at night, whn h has th fild all to himslf, that w har th nightingal at his bst.



①haymaking ['hi?mikiR] n.制备干草

②hdg [hdN] n.(矮树的)树篱

③nightingal ['naitiRgil] n.夜莺



2)第二段里“grn”一词的多次重复使“绿的世界”深深留在人们的心里。在第三、四、五段里,作者把“歌声”这一概念用不同的词表达出来,如“sing”,“song”,“sounds”,“cry”,“pouring out”,“singing”,“voic”等,如此同义照应,使语义上下连贯,同时也加强和突出了“夜莺歌唱”的主题。

3)本文作者使用了拟人(prsonification)手法,文章显得格外生动:第二段Spring和Summr两个词首字母大写,用“sh”指代“Spring”;第三段中的“gts up”和“gos to bd”,“birds sing”;第四段中的“slp”,“cry”;第五段中的“his voic”,“h”和“himslf”都是拟人用法。

4)为了使描写生动优美,作者使用了分词短语“making us think of…”,独产主格结构“grn lavs on th trs…flowrs opning vrywhr”,省略句法“thn, aftr a fw momnts, (coms) anothr (cry),(which is) loudr this tim”,以及传神的短语“all to himslf”和“at hisbst”等。

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