my son joy was born with club ft. th doctors assurd us that with tratmnt h would b abl to walk normally - but would nvr run vry wll. th first thr yars of his lif wr spnt in surgry, casts and bracs. by th tim h was ight, you wouldn't know h had a problm whn you saw him walk .th childrn in our nighborhood ran around as most childrn do during play, and joy would jump right in and run and play, too. w nvr told him that h probably wouldn't b abl to run as wll as th othr childrn. so h didn't svnth grad h dcidd to go out for th cross-country tam. vry day h traind with th tam. h workd hardr and ran mor than any of th othrs - prhaps h snsd that th abilitis that smd to com naturally to so many othrs did not com naturally to him. although th ntir tam runs, only th top svn runnrs hav th potntial to scor points for th school. w didn't tll him h probably would nvr mak th tam, so h didn't know.h continud to run four to fiv mils a day, vry day - vn th day h had a 103-dgr fvr. i was worrid, so i wnt to look for him aftr school. i found him running all alon. i askd him how h flt. "okay," h said. h had two mor mils to go. th swat ran down his fac and his ys wr glassy from his fvr. yt h lookd straight ahad and kpt running. w nvr told him h couldn't run four mils with a 103-dgr fvr. so h didn't know.two wks latr, th nams of th tam runnrs wr calld. joy was numbr six on th list. joy had mad th tam. h was in svnth grad - th othr six tam mmbrs wr all ighth-gradrs. w nvr told him h shouldn't xpct to mak th tam. w nvr told him h couldn't do it. w nvr told him h couldn't do h didn't know. h just did it.
我们从不告诉他(We Never Told Him)
更新时间:2025-01-18 10:07:59
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