Th larg numbr of our population has bcom on of th most srious problms of our socity. According to a rcnt survy of th National Burau of Statistics, thr ar mor than 1.3 billion popl in our country, which account for about 1/5 of all th popl in th world. th sam survy also prdicts that our population will grow quickly in th yars to com.
Ovrpopulation has brought about a sris of ngativ ffcts to our conomic dvlopmnt and social scurity. In th first plac, too many popl impos a havy burdn on our nvironmnt. As a rsult, w suffr from a shortag of frsh watr and natural rsourcs. In th scond plac, as th supply of labor GRatly xcds th dmand of th socity, many popl bcom mployd. This is a sourc of social unrst. Last but not last, w hav to manufactur all kinds of products to mt th nds of th popl, which causs nvironmnt pollution to our laks and land.
Srious though th problm sms, w hav to tak som masurs to tackl it. On th on hand, th govrnmnt should carry out mor strictly th policy of family planning, thus rducing th total numbr of population. On th othr hand, all th popl should raliz th harms of ovrpopulation. With th concrtd fforts of all th partis concrnd, w’r sur to solv th problm in th futur.