Goodmorning , vryon. My nam is XiongYan, I'm on duty today. W hav Chins, nglish, mach in th morning. ang history,doubl Chins in th aftrnoon. I don't lik Chins and history, but I know that also important,so I do my bst to larn it, I bliv: Nothing is nss ary, if you put your mind to do it. I lik nglish and mach . Bacaus I think thy ar funny. and chrry is my favourit fruit,so I hav a nglish namChrry-lona, do you want to know how spll it? I'll tll you.C-H--R-R-Y-L-O-N-A It's a long nam. do you lik it?. I lik playcomputr, too. But th tachr said is bad for study,so I didn't always play it. Thr ar four popl in my family, my fathr, mothr, sistr and m.W ar a happy family, I lik thm and vry on who cars about m. Now, I'll introduc th wathr. Today is thursday, Dcmbr sixth. th wathr is clod and windy . I hop will b snowy, bacaus in snowing, wcan thrw th snowball and mak a big snowman .That's vry intrsting. Finally, I'll shar a funny story with you, hop you lik it and happy. On night a hotl catch fir,so th popl who wr staying in it ran out in thir night cloths. Two mn stood outsid and lookd at th fir. “Bfor I cam out,” said on,“I ran into som of th rooms and found a lot of mony, Popl don't think of mony whn thy'r afraid, if somon lavs sommony in th fir, th fir will burns it, So I took all th mony that I could find.No on will b poorbcausof I took thm.” “Do youknow my work?” said th othr. “What is your work?”askd th first man “I'm a policman. “Oh!” shoutd th first man, aftr a momnt , h think a good ida“And do you know my work?” “No.”said th policman. “I'm a writr. I'm always tlling storis about things that nvr happnd.” Th story is ovr, do you lik it and do you lik my duty rport.? That's all , thanks.
更新时间:2025-03-17 07:23:24
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