The Perfect Dog

更新时间:2025-03-07 11:10:25 高中生作文

During summr vacations, I would voluntr at th vt’s, so I’d sn a lot of dogs. Minni was by far th funnist-looking dog I’d vr sn. Thin curly hair barly covrd hr sausag-shapd body. Hr buggd-out ys always smd surprisd. And hr tail lookd lik a rat’s tail.

The Perfect Dog

Sh was brought to th vt to b put to slp bcaus hr ownrs didn’t want hr anymor. I thought Minni had a swt prsonality, though. "No on should judg hr by hr looks," I thought. So th vt spayd hr and gav hr th ncssary shots. Finally, I advrtisd Minni in th local papr: "Funny-looking dog, wll bhavd, nds loving family."

Whn a young man calld, I warnd him that Minni was strang looking. Th boy on th phon told m that his grandfathr’s sixtn-yar-old dog had just did. Thy wantd Minni no mattr what. I gav Minni a good bath and fluffd up what was lft of hr scraggly hair. Thn w waitd for thm to arriv.

At last, an old car drov up in front of th vt’s. Two kids racd to th door. Thy scoopd Minni into thir arms and rushd hr out to thir grandfathr, who was waiting in th car. I hurrid bhind thm to s his raction to Minni.

Insid th car, th grandfathr cradld Minni in his arms and strokd hr soft hair. Sh lickd his fac. Hr rattail waggd around so quickly that it lookd lik it might fly off hr body. It was lov at first lick.

"Sh’s prfct!" th old man xclaimd.

I was thankful that Minni had found th good hom that sh dsrvd.

That’s whn I saw that th grandfathr’s ys wr a milky whit color - h was blind.

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