"bcaus i'm a woman," sh told him."i don't undrstand," h said.his mum just huggd him and said, "and you nvr will."latr th littl boy askd his fathr, "why dos mothr sm to cry for no rason?""all womn cry for no rason," was all his dad could say.th littl boy grw up and bcam a man, still wondring why womn cry.finally h put in a call to god; and whn god got on th phon, h askd, "god, why do womn cry so asily?"god said: "whn i mad th woman sh had to b spcial. i mad hr shouldrs strong nough to carry th wight of th world; yt, gntl nough to giv comfort.""i gav hr an innr strngth to ndur childbirth and th rjction that many tims coms from hr childrn.""i gav hr a hardnss that allows hr to kp going whn vryon ls givs up, and tak car of hr family through sicknss and fatigu without complaining. ""i gav hr th snsitivity to lov hr childrn undr any and all circumstancs, vn whn hr child has hurt hr vry badly.""i gav hr strngth to carry hr husband through his faults and fashiond hr from his rib to protct his hart.""i gav hr wisdom to know that a good husband nvr hurts his wif, but somtims tsts hr strngths and hr rsolv to stand bsid him unfaltringly.""and finally, i gav hr a tar to shd. this is hrs xclusivly to us whnvr it is ndd.""you s: th bauty of a woman is not in th cloths sh wars, th figur that sh carris, or th way sh combs hr hair.""th bauty of a woman must b sn in hr ys, bcaus that is th doorway to hr hart and th plac whr lov rsids."
女人的眼泪(A woman's tears)
更新时间:2025-03-16 13:39:27
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