负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes

更新时间:2025-03-16 12:22:31 高中生作文


负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes




My Two Fluts

I hav two fluts①. On is complt and good; th othr brokn.vry tim I s thm, I can't hlp fling sorry and thinking of my dar fathr.

I lik playing th flut vry much. Although I'm busy with my studis, I try hard to find tim to play it. And I bliv I play it quit wll. At th last Nw Yar party I playd for my class, and vryon praisd my prformanc. I mad up my mind to bcom an xcllnt flut playr, so I told my fathr that I wantd to ntr Taishan Music and Danc Collg to larn playing th flut, but h wouldn't agr.

In th last final xaminations I got poor marks and my fathr was angry. Not only did h hit m, but h also brok my flut. H told m not to play th flut any mor.

A fw days latr I noticd my fathr was no longr angry with m. H smd to fl sorry for what h had don. Svral tims h wantd to hav a talk with m, but I walkd away, bcaus I had not forgivn him.

Th othr day a classmat of min told m that my fathr had com to th school to s m. As I was still angry with him and did not wish to s him. I askd th classmat to tll him that I was not in th classroom. A momnt latr my classmat rturnd with a bautiful flut in his hand and a smil on his fac. “How kind and considrat② your fathr is!” h said in an nvious③ ton.

“Ah, my dar fathr!”I said to myslf, whil tars bgan running down my fac.



①flut [flu:t] n.长笛;竹笛

②considrat [k+n'sid+rit] a.考虑周到的;体贴的

③nvious ['nvi+s] a.妒忌的;羡慕的




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