Although som popl bliv that studnts should stay in thir own classrooms during brak tims,I would lik to argu that w should b allowd to spnd brak tims in anothr class。Th most important rason for bliving that is that many studnts hav frinds in othr classs.W spnd all day in our own classroom,and brak tims ar th only tim w hav to spnd with othr frinds.It can bcom vry tdious(令人厌倦的)to hav to spnd vn mor tim with th sam popl.A furthr rason for allowing studnt to choos whr thy spnd thir brak tims is that it would stop argumnts.If studnts ar forcd to spnd tim with classmats who ar not good frinds,thy can annoy ach othr.This lads to problms that hav to b sortd out by tachrs.Tachrs argu that w all should stay in our own classs,bcaus it is thn asir to know what is going on.Thy say that it is difficult to kp track of studnts whn thy ar walking round th corridors.Howvr,studnts could b givn th chanc to choos a diffrnt classroom to spnd th whol brak tim in.That would man that thr would not b any studnts in th corridors.As I hav xplaind,although it might b a littl asir to manag whn vryon stays in thir own classroom,it would mak brak tims happir for all studnts if thy wr allowd to choos whr thy spnt thir tim.
更新时间:2025-03-16 17:28:51
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