A Funny Thing Happened to Me-我碰到的一桩趣事……,A Funny Th

更新时间:2025-03-14 07:53:29 初中生作文

A Funny Thing Happnd to M-我碰到的一桩趣事……,A Funny ThA Funny Thing Happnd to M-我碰到的一桩趣事…… A Funny Thing Happnd to M

A Funny Thing Happened to Me-我碰到的一桩趣事……,A Funny Th

A funny thing happnd to m last Friday. I'd gon to London to do som shopping. I wantd to gt som Christmas prsnts, and I ndd to find som books for my cours at school (you s, I'm a studnt). I caught an arly train to London so by arly aftrnoon I'd bought vrything that I wantd. Anyway, I'm not vry fond of London, all th nois and traffic, and I'd mad som arrangmnts for that vning. So, I took a taxi to Watrloo station. I can't rally afford taxis, but I wantd to gt th 3:30 train. Unfortunatly th taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by th tim I got to Watrloo, th train had just gon. I had to wait an hour for th nxt on. I bought an vning nwspapr th 'Standard', and wandrd ovr to th station bufft. At that tim of day it's narly mpty, so I bought a coff and a packt of biscuits--chocolat biscuits. I'm yw fond of chocolat biscuits. Thr wr plnty of mpty tabls and I found on nar th window. I sat down and bgan doing th crossword. njoy doing crossword puzzls.

Aftr a coupl of minuts a man sat down opposit m. Thr was nothing spcial about him, xcpt that h was vry tall. In fact h lookd lik a typical city businssman--you know, dark suit and brifcas. I didn't say anything and I carrid on with my crossword. Suddnly h rachd across th tabl, opnd my packt of biscuits, took on, dippd it into his coff and poppd it into his mouth, I couldn't bliv my ys! I was too shockd to say any thing. Anyway, I didn't want to mak a fuss, so I dcidd to ignor it. I always avoid troubl if I can. I just took a biscuit myslf and wnt back to my crossword.

Whn th man took a scond biscuit, I didn't look up and I didn't mak a sound. I prtndd to b vry intrstd in th puzzl. Aftr a coupl of minuts, I casually put out my hand, took th last biscuit and glancd at th man. H was staring at m furiously. I nrvously put th biscuit in my mouth, and dcidd to lav. I was rady to gt up and go whn th man suddnly pushd back his chair, stood up and hurrid out of th bufft. I flt vry r. livd and dcidd to wait two or thr minuts bfor going myslf. I finishd my coff, foldd my nwspapr and stood up. And thr, on th tabl, whr my nwspapr had bn, was my packt of biscuits.


上周五我碰到了一桩有趣的事。我去伦敦购物,想买些圣诞礼物,还想找些学校教程(你知道,我是名学生)。我赶了早班车去伦敦,这样刚到下午我就已经买好了想买的一切。不管怎样,我不喜欢伦敦,喧闹且交通拥挤,而且那天晚上,我已经有了安排。于是我搭出租车去了滑铁卢车站。其实我是搭不起出租车的,可我想赶上3:30的火车。不幸的是,出租车遇到了交通阻塞,等我到滑铁卢的时候,火车刚好离开。无奈,我只好等一 个小时乘下一趟。我买了一份晚报《标准报》,然后逛到了车站




A Funny Thing Happnd to M-我碰到的一桩趣事……

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