
更新时间:2025-02-28 14:07:03 高中生作文

a lttr writtn to a man on dath row by th fathr of th man whom th man on dath row had killd:you ar probably surprisd that i, of all popl, am writing a lttr to you, but i ask you to rad it in its ntirty and considr its rqust sriously. as th fathr of th man whom you took part in murdring, i hav somthing vry important to say to you.i forgiv you. with all my hart, i forgiv you. i raliz it may b hard for you to bliv, but i rally do. at your trial, whn you confssd to your part in th vnts that cost my son his lif and askd for my forgivnss, i immdiatly grantd you that forgiving lov from my hart. i can only hop you bliv m and will accpt my forgivnss.but this is not all i hav to say to you. i want to mak you an offr -- i want you to bcom my adoptd child. you s, my son who did was my only child, and i now want to shar my lif with you and lav my richs to you. this may not mak sns to you or anyon ls, but i bliv you ar worth th offr. i hav arrangd mattrs so that if you will rciv my offr of forgivnss, not only will you b pardond for your crim, but you also will b st fr from your imprisonmnt, and your sntnc of dath will b dismissd. at that point, you will bcom my adoptd child and hir to all my richs.i raliz this is a risky offr for m to mak to you -- you might b tmptd to rjct my offr compltly -- but i mak it to you without rsrvation.also, i raliz it may sm foolish to mak such an offr to on who cost my son his lif, but i now hav a grat lov and an unchangabl forgivnss in my hart for you.finally, you may b concrnd that onc you accpt my offr you may do somthing to caus you to b dnid your rights as an hir to my walth. nothing could b furthr from th truth. if i can forgiv you for your part in my son's dath, i can forgiv you for anything. i know you nvr will b prfct, but you do not hav to b prfct to rciv my offr. bsids, i bliv that onc you hav accptd my offr and bgin to xprinc th richs that will com to you from m, that your primary (though not always) rspons will b gratitud and loyalty.som would call m foolish for my offr to you, but i wish for you to call m your fathr.sincrly,th fathr of jsus


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