My Littl Nic
My littl nic,a tn-month-old baby,is th lovlist child I hav vr sn. Hr fac is lik a rd appl and hr ys ar lik bright stars.Whn you carry hr in your arms,sh liks to put hr arms around your nck.All th family mmbrs lov hr vry much and oftn try to mak hr smil, but quit oftn sh maks us laugh. Onc I winkd at hr and sh smild. Whn l did it again, sh watchd m attntivly. Thn sh trid to imitat. Whil I closd on y to wink, sh had to clos both ys at tim sam tim and quickly opnd thm again. And that was hr way to wink. W all bgan to laugh. Whn w lookd at hr again,sh was looking at us, puzzld, as if sh was asking, "What ar you laugghing at?