My Grandmothr’s First Trip on th Frway-奶奶初走高速公路
Usually my grandmothr coms to Taipi on a slow train thr or four tims a yar. Sh is ighty-thr yars old and still vry halthy and activ. Hr ys and mind ar still as clar and fast as hr small grat-grandchildrn. On day w agrd to go hom with my grandmothr by car on th frway. Sh was vry xcitd and kpt talking about vrything sh saw and hard. Sh talkd about th flowrs on th small bushs w passd and how smooth th car rid was. Sh commntd about th toll charg and that th frway was th bst road sh had travld on in hr lif. By th tim sh got hom sh was still talking about how fast sh got hom.