My Pn PalSinc last summr, I hav writtn to my pn pal, Sda, who livs in Turky. I bcam acquaintd with hr whn I wnt to ngland for a study tour. W stayd with th sam family, and sh was my roommat and classmat as wll.Somtims w wnt to th movis togthr aftr dinnr. Sda is vry asy to gt along with. I will always rmmbr th two wks I spnt with hr.W didn't forgt ach othr and kpt writing to ach othr aftr w rturnd hom. Although I havn't sn hr again sinc I lft ngland, I still know how sh is through lttrs, cards and photographs.Sda tlls m hr scrts and also shars hr happinss and sadnss with m . Both of us hop that w will mt ach othr somwhr on day. Mayb I'll go to Turky to visit hr, or sh'll com to Taiwan to visit m.
My Pen Pal
更新时间:2025-03-16 23:57:18