下岗职工再就业(Re-employment of Laid-off Workers)

更新时间:2025-03-07 11:06:53 高中生作文

as w oil know, thr ar mor and mor laid-off workrs in china now mainly bcaus of th rapid changs in th conomic rform. among thm ar th old and th young, mn and womn, and vn som wll-ducatd graduats. what's mor, with mor and mor workrs bing laid-off, lots of social problms hav appard.as a rsult, th issu of r-mploymnt of th laid-off workrs has bcom on of th hot topics and drawn much attntion from govrnmnts at all lvls. a numbr of solutions ar bing offrd. first of all, r-training programs should b organizd to hlp th laid-off workrs to larn nw skills to hlp thm kp up with th changing socity. bsids, our govrnmnt should tak som ncssary masurs to crat mor nw opportunitis of mploymnt for ths popi. finally, collgs and univrsitis should rform thir courss to adapt to th dvlopmnt of conomy so as to provid qualifid studns to mt th nds of socity.in my opinion, solving th problm of r-mploymnt of laid-off workrs nds th ffort of th whol socity, including our govrnmnt, th laid-off workrs thmslvs and all thos who ar rady to offr thir hlp, morovr, th lay-off workrs, spcially th wll-ducatd graduats, should lowr thir standards bfor looking for satisfying jobs.

下岗职工再就业(Re-employment of Laid-off Workers)

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