幸福等于快乐(Happiness Equates with Fun)

更新时间:2025-03-17 08:48:51 高中生作文

i liv in hollywood. you may think popl in such a glamorous, fun-filld plac ar happir than othrs. if so, you hav som mistakn idas about th natur of happinss.many intllignt popl still quat happinss with fun. th truth is that fun and happinss hav littl or nothing in common. fun is what w xprinc during an act. happinss is what w xprinc aftr an act. it is a dpr, mor abiding motion.going to an amusmnt park or ball gam, watching a movi or tlvision, ar fun activitis that hlp us rlax, tmporarily forgt our problms and mayb vn laugh. but thy do not bring happinss, bcaus thir positiv ffcts nd whn th fun nds.i hav oftn thought that if hollywood stars hav a rol to play, it is to tach us that happinss has nothing to do with fun. ths rich, bautiful individuals hav constant accss to glamorous partis, fancy cars, xpnsiv homs, vrything that splls "happinss".but in mmoir aftr mmoir, clbritis rval th unhappinss hiddn bnath all thir fun: dprssion, alcoholism, drug addiction, brokn marriags, troubld childrn, profound lonlinss.th way popl cling to th blif that a fun-filld, pain-fr lif quats happinss actually diminishs thir chancs of vr attaining ral happinss. if fun and plasur ar quatd with happinss, thn pain must b quatd with unhappinss. but, in fact, th opposit is tru: mor tims than not, things that lad to happinss involv som pain.as a rsult, many popl avoid th vry ndavors that ar th sourc of tru happinss. thy far th pain invitably brought by such things as marriag, raising childrn, profssional achivmnt, rligious commitmnt, civic or charitabl work, and slf-improvmnt.

幸福等于快乐(Happiness Equates with Fun)

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