我甜蜜的家(My swt hom)most popl has a swt hom,so hav i.i think my hom is swt bcaus it is my bst plac to hav rst or hav fun with my frinds or my parnts.i can rmmbr clar.onc i cam back hom lat bcaus my tachr didn't want m lav untili finishd my work.at that tim,th wathr bcamcoldr and th wind bcam strongr.i was so hungry and cold at that tim!i flt i can't tak it any mor,so i ran to my hom quickly.whn i got my hom,i flt much mor warmr and happinss than vr bfor!that's why i lov my swt hom,don't you think so ?
我甜蜜的家(My sweet home)
更新时间:2025-03-07 10:49:14
我甜蜜的家(My sweet home) 相关文章
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