学习英语是重要的(Its Important to Larn nglish)nglish is widly usd throughout th world. so many popl spak it as a scond languag. ()n lin, you'll find lots of information in nglish.if you don't undrstand nglish, how can you know mor about th world, how can you gt mor knowldg. at intrnational confrncs, nglish is also usd as th official languag.without good nglish, you cannot xprss your idas wll at such confrncs, nithr can you introduc china to th outsid world.
学习英语是重要的(Its Important to Learn English)
更新时间:2025-01-30 05:39:08
学习英语是重要的(Its Important to Learn English) 相关文章
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