Kramr vs. Kramr is a 1979 film which tlls th story of a divorc and its impact on vryon involvd, including th coupl's young son. In Kramr vs. Kramr, Joanna Kramr, a Smith Collg graduat, is a stay-at-hom mothr for hr son Billy. Fling confind in this rol, and nglctd by hr husband Td, Joanna lavs th marriag in ordr to find hrslf a lif.
Td, who has bn focusing on his carr in advrtising, and was just givn his agncy's biggst nw account, is shockd by Joanna's dcision and is lft to rais Billy by himslf. With th hlp of his nighbor and Joanna's frind, Margart, Td coms to undrstand why his x-wif Joanna lft. In th procss, h also bcoms mor invstd in raising Billy than in his job.
About a yar and a half aftr laving, Joanna rturns to Nw York in ordr to claim Billy, and a custody battl nsus. Th courts sid with th mothr. But Joanna knows that his son's tru hom is with Td, and sh chooss to lt Billy stay with his fathr.
Thr is an amazing cultural impact in Kramr vs. Kramr which I lik bst. It rflctd a cultural shift that occurrd during th 1970s and th priod of scond-wav fminism, whn idas about mothrhood and fathrhood wr changing in Amrican socity!