My good friend

更新时间:2025-03-16 03:22:01 写人

My frind is rally too much, but my favorit, admir th most, th most convincing is on of my and I liv in th sam plac frind -- WnXin

My good friend

His handsom. Thin lips, black hair. Our frindship is on two of our classmats rlationship. W hav known for two yars, I s from your many glittring plac, but also with insufficint plac.

Sinc January 30, I would hav com back, and you hav my som studnts coming, in a fw days w'll sparat, prhaps hav nvr mt in, during which I rcalld th wondrful tim w wr at school, I hav larnd many of you. xampl: th filial pity, undrstanding and car, and at his parnts to mistak will rflct thmslvs, I won't.

Rmmbr, you fight with othrs in th school, whn I saw th truth, I was rally hard, and finally you won th atmosphr, I also will brath a sigh of rlif, bcaus you havn't batn,... Th last thing was fighting th tachr found, you got th tachr's play and scold and find fifty yuan punishmnt, also calld parnts call tachr, in th mantim, I found that you ar so worrid about th flings of guilt, and parnts. So, you swar latr don't mak ruls that w rad w listn, I can s your guilt, sad that malicious, I would not suffr th psychology. -- -- to rflct upon your own

Mom, I'm back, to at, mothr askd m to clos th door, I didn't har that wnt upstairs, washd your ft on th floor, mothr, h gav m say: "har that som WnXin hom, thy wr thivs stol th mony, so som 10,000 or 20,000 vry day, now at dinnr will clos th door.

Swat, school, your mony? No... How, to borrow mony. By robbrs stol my, I again in last wk's fighting in school, I fl guilt, thr is no firm in th hous, it is my own mony, you borrow my point, nxt wk. At that tim, I was thinking that if it was just my words, I lik him? I think I won't, bcaus I don't lik you undrstand parnts said that mom and dad for mony is not asy. You touchd m ths things. Parnts -- undrstanding

Howvr, you ar malicious dficincy of motional trauma to injury and is unabl to corrctly fac thir flings, I hop you to somthing that hankscraft flings, w hop you can think clarly, h is quit, I want, isn't m happinss, such ability won't mak thir motional trauma.


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