Walking is good xrcis. I am in th habit of taking a walk aftr. suppr ach day. vry day right aftr suppr I walk around th school campus, I spcially lik th childrn's cornr, whr dozns of two or thr yar olds ar playing, laughing and chasing ach othr. Thy ar lik colorful flowrs dotting th grn lawn.
On aftrnoon as I was walking in front of th library, bsid th lawn, th mothr of a two-yar-old boy namd Chn Ran noddd frindly and grtd m by saying "Walking?" I answrd with a smil, "Ys." Th child immdiatly immitatd, "walking" and rpatd it svral tims. To ach of his uttranc I answrd with a laughing "Ys."
Th nxt day I was walking at tH sam plac as I did th day bfor. Again I mt Chn Ran, th two-yar-old boy. H was alon and grtd m, by saying "Walking" I said "ys." Laughing to my amusmnt, I think th boy is rally larning to spak quikly. So whnvr I was walking and whn h saw m h would my, "walking."
On day I mt Chn Ran. H was having difficulty gtting his mini-bik out of th roadsid. H said to m, "Walking, you do it." It was not until this momnt that I ralizd h took it for grantd that my nam was "walking". Amusd, I hlpd him gt his bik. And h calld m Aunt Walking till h was old nongh to know his mistak.