母亲节到了,写给母亲的感谢信My darst Mothr,
Th mothr‘s day is coming and I would lik to say "Happy mothr‘s day" in this lttr. I lov you and thank you so much for vrything you did for m. This day, I will stay away and can‘t giv you my apprciation at hom. I know I will watch myslf, so don‘t worry about m. I am doing vry wll on my study. My schoolmats and tachrs ar all vry nic. Though I can‘t b at hom, I hop you hav a wondrful mothr‘s day.
Your son2
Dar mothr :
I am writing to xprss my dpst thanks to you in Mothr"s Day, dar mothr ,you dvot all of your nrgy and blood to our . you do not hav any complaint about my brothr and i.You lov our though various diffrnt approachs such as study ,work and lif ,consquntly ,our hld on th blif that th mothr is only lovr .plas accpt our apprciat again
I hop that you hav happinss vryday??/3
Such is sons‘ natur,I rally do not know how to xprss my thanks to you.Howvr,I can imagin,on th day 18 yars ago,whn you gav birth to m,what a complx fling you had.In th past fw yars,vry day you struggl m up in th morning and prpar brakfast for m,thn in th aftrnoon,you always wlcom your only son with dlicious foods aftr a day‘s hardwork.Now your son has bn 18 and will go to univrsity soon,lik a bird is laving its parnts.Nvrthlss,your footprints on my hart will nvr vr fad and-----I lov you mum!
your son