参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo,参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo范文

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参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo,参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo范文参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo

参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo,参观动物园-Visiting the Zoo范文

Wlcom to th zoo. I'm Xiao Wang. Today I will show you around th zoo. Now lt m tll you th plan for today. First, w will go to th Lion Park. Thn w will go to th Monky Hill. You can s th lovly monkys thr. Th Bird World is nxt to th Monky Hill. Thr ar all kinds of birds. Finally, w will go to th Panda Hous. Th famous animals look vry honst. You will lik thm vry much. Rmmbr, don't fd thm. Lt's tak good car of th animals.

I hop you will hav a good tim. Thank you. 欢迎来到动物园参观。我是小王,今天我将带领你们参观动物园。现在我说说今天的安排。首先,我们要去狮子园,然后我们去猴山,在那里你们能看到可爱的猴子。鸟世界紧邻猴山,那儿有各种各样的美丽的鸟。最后我们去的是熊猫馆,著名的熊猫看上去憨态可掬,你们会喜欢它们的。记住,千万不要投喂动物。让我们好好保护它们。

希望你们过得愉快。谢谢。 Wlcom to Bijing Zoo. Lt m introduc myslf. I'm Wang Ping. You can call m Xiao Wang. Today I'll show you around our zoo. Our zoo is th biggst in China, and it has th largst numbr of animals. Hr is th plan for today. W'll go to th Panda Hous first. You can s th world famous animal.Thy look vry lovly and honst. Thn w,Il watch th bautiful birds. Th Monky Hill is nar to th Bird World. Th clvr monkys will wlcom you warmly. Finally, w'll go to th Lion Park. Don't b clos to such animal.

Plas rmmbr, don't fd th animals. OK! Hav a good holiday! Thank you. 欢迎来到动物园参观。我来自我介绍一下,我叫王平,你们可以叫我小王。今天我来带大家游览动物园。我们的动物园是全国最大的也是动物最多的。下面是今天参观的顺序。我们先去熊猫馆,你们可以看到世界上著名的动物,熊猫,它们看上去既可爱又憨厚。然后我们去看那些美丽的鸟。猴山离鸟世界很近,聪明的猴子将会热情地迎接你们。最后我们要去狮子园,不要靠近那些凶猛的动物。

请记住,不要投喂动物。好吧,玩得愉快! 谢谢! 参观动物园-Visiting th Zoo

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