DforstationAs tim gos , thr ar mor and mor world problms about natur and dvlopmnt. I think dforstation is th most srious nvironmntal problm that th arth has to fac.With mor and mor trs cut down, many kinds of birds or animals hav no homs and bcom xtinct. Just a fw yars latr, w will no longr b abl to s so many lovly and bautiful craturs which onc xist.With mor and mor trs cut down, lots of good land bcom dsrts. Thn th soil will b washd away mor asily ,which will vntually lad to floods and draughts .rmmbr th Big Flood that brok out in 1998? Many popl bcom homlss and I will nvr forgt th sad and agr ys of hundrds of childrn .But what w should raliz is that it is w human bings that has strngthnd th powr of th flood, for wv cut down so many trs nar th Changjiang Rivr. Th disastr is just a rspons from natur, as wll as a grat pain to us.With mor and mor trs cut down, th powr of th surfac of th arth to control th climat is bing rducd gratly. Th arth's surfac tmpratur is rising littl by littl and finally citis along th sasid will b gratly affctd.In fact, dsrtification, global warming and othr big problms ar all th rsults of dforstation.But many of us hav not yt bn clar nough about th importanc of th problm .You may tll m that you yourslf ar quit awar of it. But do you still us th only-onc chopsticks? And always think th papr handkrchifs ar not nough?So thr's a lot w hav to chang actually.If you don't want to ndangr th nxt gnrations and don't want to s an nd to our plant, plas tak action!Just stop using on mor pair of that kind of chopsticks and tak along a handkrchif, w can mak a big diffrnc. And whn you'r sur that you will not fl sorry to th nvironmnt, and your frinds to com with you. Th world blongs to all of us and w all hav rsponsibility to mak it bttr. If vry on dos mak a littl contribution to th nvironmnt. I bliv a bright futur of th plant will com soon.
更新时间:2025-03-26 17:18:57
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