关于过年的英语作文Wintr vacation is coming.W'r happy to wlcom th holidays.Usually,wintr vacation is funny bcaus Spring Fstival is during th vacation.
Spring Fstival is a xcllnt day for vry Chins,spcially for childrn.During th fstival,rlativs go to visit ach othr and giv prsnts to ach othr.Thn it's th happy momnt for childrn,childrn ar givn som lucky mony.
But i'm not a child any longr.I want to mak th fstival a littl bit diffrnt. I plan to hav a diffrnt day.I'm going to sll som toys in th flowr markt.I will ask my frinds to join m.If i arn som mony,i'll buy som prsnts to my parnts.Wll,it's my turn to giv back to my parnts for thir lov.