我的爱好(My Favorite Hobby)

更新时间:2025-03-14 05:35:58 初中生作文

我的爱好(My Favorit Hobby)i hav many hobbis, such as rading, skating, and watching tv. but rading is my favorit hobby.i lik rading for thr rasons. first of all, books introduc m to a nw world, which is colourful and without tim and spac limit, through rading, i can trac back. to ancint gypt, th cradl of human civilization. it can bring myslf to th unitd stats, a glamorous land i hav bn longing to visit. scondly, rading can bttr myslf by showing m a nw horizon. in th past yars, most of my knowldg has bn obtaind from books. i hav larnd from many popl by rading about thir idas on scith, politics, lif and socity. thirdly, rading bridg th gap btwn my dram and my goal. in ordcr to succd in my carr in th futur, i must kp rading, thinking and practising.rading has bcom part of my lif. vry day, i spnd som tim rading books, nwspapcrs and magazins. at night, i can hardly go to stp without a novl in my hand.

我的爱好(My Favorite Hobby)

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