缘情设景:爱的奉献-The Devotion of Love

更新时间:2025-02-06 01:22:34 高中生作文


缘情设景:爱的奉献-The Devotion of Love




Th Dvotion of Lov

Dar frinds, you may hav hard th song----Th Dvotion of Lov①. It has bn vry popular sinc 1988, and is njoyd by mor and mor popl. Why? Bcaus it has bn sung for th popl. As long as vryon dvots a littl lov, th world will b vn mor bautiful.

Whnvr I har th song, I can't hlp thinking of my dar tachr,Mr. Wang. H gav his lif to th caus of ducation. H will b rmmbrd as an nginr of th soul forvr. As his studnt, I will nvr forgt thos days that w spnt togthr.

H was a kind and warm-hartd man. Th momnt I saw him, I flt as if h wr my fathr. In class, h was strict in our studis. But in th spar tim, h was our good frind. H oftn taught us how to play th violin, to sing, and to draw picturs. H card not only for our studis but also for our minds. Whnvr w had difficultis in our studis or in our daily lif, h would ncourag us to ovrcom thm. Whn w faild in our xams, h would hlp us, “Don't los hart, work hardr and you will succd.” On his holidays, h would giv up his rst to hlp thos who had difficulty in thir studis so that thy could catch up with th othr studnts. H was just lik a candl, burning himslf away to provid light for othr. H was such a good tachr that all of us lovd and rspctd him.

But a yar ago, word cam that Mr. Wang did of cancr. Haring this, I couldn't hlp crying. I rmmbr th song of Small Grass: No swtr than a flowr, no tallr than a tr…. Small grass is ordinary, but grand②. Mr. Wang is a blad③ of small grass. H gav his studnts all his lov. Mr. Wang will liv in our harts forvr.



①Th Dvotion [di'v+uM+n] of Lov(歌名)《爱的奉献》

②grand [gr$nd] a.重大的;崇高的

③blad [blid] n.(草)叶片



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