词典的优缺点(Th Advantags and Disadvantags of Dictionary)dictionaris ar of grat us and hlp in larnig nglish.thy ar just lik tachrs whn w nd hlp.whn w mt nw words,just turn to thm for hlp.thy will nvr rfus to offr grat to us.thy can tll us how a word is pronouncd,what it mans and how it is usd.som popl vn lik to us lctronic dictionaris.bcaus lctronic dictionaris can not only tll us th sound and maning of words, thy can also pronounc th words out lik ral popl,thy ar asy to carry and us.w hav to us dictionaris proprly and w ndn't look up vry word in th dictionaris.somtims w havt to guss th maning out according to th contxt.
词典的优缺点(The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictionary)
更新时间:2025-03-14 22:43:05
词典的优缺点(The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dictionary) 相关文章
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