in all on's lif tim it is onslf that on spnds th most tim bing with or daling with. but it is prcisly onslf that on has th last undrstanding of. whn you ar going upwards in lif you tnd to ovrstimat yourslf. it sms that vrything you sk for is within your rach; luck and opportunitis will com your way and you ar ovrjoyd that thy constitut part of your worth. whn you ar going downhill you tnd to undrstimat yourslf, mistaking difficultis and advrsitis for your own incomptnc. it’s likly that you think it wis for yourslf to know your plac and stay aloof from worldly waring a mask of cowardic, bhind which th flow of sap in your lif will b gt a thorough undrstanding of onslf is to gain a corrct viw of onslf and b a sobr ralist -- awar of both on’s strngth and shortag. you may look forward hopfully to th futur but b sur not to xpct too much, for idals can nvr b fully ralizd. you may b couragous to mt challngs but it should b clar to you whr to dirct your fforts. that’s to way so long as you hav a prfct knowldg of yourslf thr won’t b difficultis you can’t ovrcom, nor obstacls you can’t gt a thorough undrstanding of onslf nds slfapprciation. whthr you likn yourslf to a towring tr or a blad of grass, whthr you think you ar a high mountain or a small ston, you rprsnt a stat of natur that has its own raison dtr. if you arnstly admir yourslf you’ll hav a ral sns of slf-apprciation, which will giv you confidnc. as soon as you gain full confidnc in yourslf you’ll b nabld to fight and ovrcom any gt a thorough undrstanding of onslf also rquirs doing onslf a favor whn it’s ndd. in tim of angr, do yourslf a favor by giving vnt to it in a quit plac so that you won't b hurt by its flams; in tim of sadnss, do yourslf a favor by sharing it with your frinds so as to chang a gloomy mood into a chrful on; in tim of tirdnss, do yourslf a favor by gtting a good slp or taking som tonic. show yourslf loving concrn about your halth and daily lif. as you ar awar, what a prson physically has is but a human body that’s vulnrabl whn xposd to th lmnts. so if you fall ill, it’s up to you to tak a good car of yourslf. unlss you know prfctly wll whn and how to do yourslf a favor, you won’t b confidnt and rady nough to rsist th attack of gt a thorough undrstanding of onslf is to gt a full control of on’s lif. thn on will find on’s lif full of color and flavor.
透彻的了解自己(Thorough Understanding of Oneself)
更新时间:2024-12-02 08:07:47
透彻的了解自己(Thorough Understanding of Oneself) 相关文章