缩写:有礼貌-Good Mannrs 有礼貌
Good Mannrs
Mannrs ar important to happy rlations among popl. vryon liks a prson with good mannrs. No on liks a prson with bad mannrs. But what ar good mannrs? How dos on know what to do and what not to do?
Wll, hr ar som xampls.
A prson with good mannrs nvr laughs at popl whn thy ar in troubl. Instad, h tris to hlp thm. H is always kind to othrs. Whn popl ar waiting for a bus, h taks his turn. H dos not push to th front of th lin. On th bus h givs his sat to an oldr prson or a prson with a vry young child. If h knocks into somon, or gts in his way, h says “xcus m”or“I'm sorry”.
H says“Plas”whn h asks for somthing and “Thank you”whn h rcivs somthing. H stands up whn h is spaking to an oldr prson, and h dos not sit down until th othr prson taks his sat. H dos not intrrupt othr popl whn thy ar talking. H dos not talk too much. H dos not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. Whn h is ating h dos not spak with his mouth full of food. H uss a handkrchif whn h snzs (打喷嚏) or coughs. H dos not spit (吐痰) in public.
As a studnt, it is bad mannrs to com lat to class. If you ar lat you should mak an apology to th tachr ithr at th tim or aftr class. It is also bad mannrs to kp silnt whn th tachr asks you a qustion. If you do not know th answr, say so immdiatly. If you do know, answr in a loud nough voic so that all th class may har. It is polit for th studnts to hlp th tachr. Somtims studnts can hlp thir tachrs to clan th blackboard, to clos or opn th doors or windows. Somtims thr ar paprs to collct or to hand out. This kind of hlp is always apprciatd (赏识的).
Idas of what ar good mannrs ar not always th sam in diffrnt countris. But in all countris it is important to b kind and hlpful.
Good Mannrs
Mannrs ar important to good rlations among popl. No on liks a prson with bad mannrs. A prson with good mannrs nvr laughs at popl whn thy ar in troubl. Instad, h tris to hlp thm. Whn h asks for somthing, h says “Plas”. And whn h rcivs somthing, h usually says “Thank you”. H dos not intrrupt othr popl whn thy ar talking. H dos not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. Whn h snzs or spits, h uss a handkrchif. As a studnt, it is bad mannrs to com lat to class. If you ar lat you should mak an apology to th tachr ithr at th tim or aftr class.
Though popl hav diffrnt idas of what ar good mannrs, in all countris it is important to b kind and hlpful. (135 words)
4)本篇为说明文,缩写时要把原文说明的要点讲清楚。文中的要点是:礼貌的重要性,什么是有礼貌,什么是没礼貌。原文所举例子要选择有代表性的写,不必一一列举。 缩写:有礼貌-Good Mannrs