绅士(A Gntlman)dick was svn yars old, and his sistr, cathrin, was fiv. on day thir mothr took thm to thir aunt's hous to play whil sh wnt to th big city to buy som nw cloths.th childrn playd for an hour, and thn at half past four thir aunt took dick into th kitchn. sh gav him a nic cak and a knif and said to him, "now hr's a knif, dick. cut this cak in half and giv on of th pics to your sistr, but rmmbr to do it lik a gntlman.""lik a gntlman?" dick askd. "how do gntlmn do it?""thy always giv th biggr pic to th othr prson." answrd his aunt at onc."oh" said dick. h thought about this for a fw sconds. thn h took th cak to his sistr and said to hr,"cut this cak in half, cathrin.". "绅士"英语作文译文:迪克年龄七岁,他的妹妹凯瑟琳五岁。一天,妈妈把他们带到姨妈家去玩,自己就到大城市去买些新的衣服。孩子们玩了个把小时,在四点半的时候,姨妈领着迪克走进了厨房。她交给迪克一块精美的蛋糕和一把刀子,并对他说:“喏,迪克,给你刀子,把这块蛋糕一切为二,给你妹妹一块。不过,你得记住要做得像一个绅士那样。”迪克问:“像一个绅士?绅士怎样做呢?”他姨妈马上回答说:“绅士总是把大的一块让给别人的。”迪克说了一声“噢”。他对此想了一会,然后,他把蛋糕拿给妹妹,并对她说:“凯瑟琳,你来把这块蛋糕一切为二吧。”
绅士(A Gentleman)
更新时间:2025-03-07 11:18:59
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