悲痛之情:父亲去世之后-Aftr Fathrs Dath 父亲去世之后
Aftr Fathr's Dath
Novmbr 4, 1996 was a day I shall nvr forgt.
At 9 o'clock that night, I was told that somthing srious had happnd in my family. I hurrid hom from school. Whn I saw many of my fathr's fllow workrs in his bdroom, I knw th worst thing had happnd . I pushd my way into th room and saw Fathr lying in bd , covrd with a whit sht①. I rushd to him, liftd th whit sht with trmbling hands, and caught sight of his pal fac with his ys tightly closd. In dspair I shook his shouldrs, crying, “Dad! Dad! ” But his mouth nvr opnd. Tars bgan running down my chks.
During th following two days I was dp in sorrow. Whn I was arranging Fathr's funral②, many classmats and frinds cam to comfort③ Mothr and m.
On th day I rturnd to school, my classmats again trid to comfort m . Whn I opnd my dsk , I found in it a lot of lttrs and nots, in which wr many comforting and ncouraging words. I was so movd that I coudn't kp my tars. Thn a tachr told m that my classmats had contributd④ a larg amount of mony to hlp m pay living and school xpnss⑤. I was vry thankful to thm and tars again filld my ys . I covrd my fac with my hands though I was a big boy. I could find no words to xprss my flings at that momnt. Thir lov for m gav m much courag. I was proud of such a warmhartd⑥ class.
①sht [Mi:t] n.被单
②funral ['fju:n r l] n.丧葬;葬礼
③comfort ['k)mf t] v.安慰
④contribut [k n'tribju(:)t] v.捐献
⑤xpns [ik'spns] n.花费
⑥warmhartd ['w&:m'ha:tid] a.富于同情心的
本文写得真实、清楚,表达了三种感情:悲痛之情,友爱之情和感激之情。悲痛之情和感激之情是通过两种眼泪表达的:悲痛的眼泪夺眶而出,泪如泉涌(crying,bgan running down);感激的眼泪情不自禁“couldn't kp back my tars, tars again filld my ys”。友爱之情的表达主要是通过重复动词“comfort”,“contribut”和分词“comforting”,“ncouraging”实现的。最后,作者为有这样富于同情心的班集体而骄傲,并要化悲痛为力量,表达对同学、老师们关怀的谢意。 悲痛之情:父亲去世之后-Aftr Fathrs Dath