Food btwn China and Wstrn countris ar totally diffrnt styls. China has 5000 yars history. W probably spnd half of tim on food. Chins popl choic food vry carfully. Thy only us frsh matrial to mak food. For xampl thy only at frsh fish. Chins hav a lot of idas and tchniqus for cooking. W can cook a chickn in ovr tn ways. Thats why Chins food is so popular in th world. Wstrn country lik nglish or Amrican, thy dont hav frsh food bcaus thy buy thir food from suprmarkt which only slls stord matrials. Wstrn popl would also prfr fast food lik burgrs and chips. Thy ar unhalthy to human body. Wstrn popl do not hav many skills for cooking, mostly thy only boil, stam and bak th food. By th way, wstrn popl ar vry good at making dsrt and chocolat. Thy can mak vry good cak and chocolat. Thy ar vry swt but its sort of food which mak you bcom fat quickly. In china if you invit popl for mal, th prson who invitd othr popl would pay for th mal but its not th way in Wstrn country. In wstrn country popl will think you only invitd m but its not your rsponsibility to pay for m. I can afford it. Thy wont b happy if you pay for thm. Popl in China would always put dishs into customrs plat to show thir hospitality, but thy will think its not halthy bcaus your chopsticks hav bn usd by you. In wstrn country lik Amrica not ngland, popl will always giv tips to waitr aftr thy finishd mal in a rstaurant. If you dont thy will not b happy bcaus tips ar on of thir major incom. In china this only happn in som top rstaurants and hotls in larg intrnational citis lik Bijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Wstrn popl will also think you ar rud if you mak sound during th mal. Wstrn popl do not hold thir bowl up vn whn thy hav a bowl of soup. Thr is also a hug diffrnc btwn Chins and Wstrn popl. Chins popl us chopsticks and wstrn popl us fork and knif. Usually popl who us fork and knif will us fork to hold th mat and cut it by knif and us fork to hlp to gt that pic of mat into mous. Chins just us chopstick to pick things and pass it into your mous. Chins popl only hav thr mals during a day. But wstrn popl will hav mor, thy hav aftrnoon ta. Usually thy would hav fruits, hommad cak, ta (black ta) or biscuit with chs. If you ar a houswif and hav a lot of tim, you may hav morning ta as wll.
更新时间:2025-01-18 20:32:42